Hi everyone,
I am not really a techie but I guess glide is designed to dumb things down. I am trying to build a MVP and i need some help with creating the links. Can someone please help me with the attached spreadsheet?
This is what I am trying to do in a nutshell. I babe a group of athletes I sent an updated schedule of their classes and al their respsonsibities every week in term of where they need to be every house of the day for 6 days a week. These are typically college freshman. This is typically done by emailing an excel spreadsheet to each individual weekly and the only thing i am editing is a few things here and there, but the email portion of it makes it hugely ineffective.
So my goal is to replicate this and I can just go into my google spreadsheet and make the updates. The one thing I would like to do is to make sure that each athlete can only view their schedule and their schedule alone. This is where I am stuck. I have attached spreadsheet of what the excel file look like as an example. Willing to email the spreadsheet someone if this help (my email is brian.dzingai@gmail.com)
![25|686x499]Can anyone please help?
Additionally how else can I create a homepage where I can place announcements fo important information. Can someone please help me with this?
Thank you in advance.