Hi Guys,
I have list of elements in Table
Columns are Name, Followers ,Category, Sub Category, MinNum , MaxNum Location.
I need to be able to filter based on all options after name
like Category, Sub Category, MinNum , MaxNum Location.
PS: Sometimes options can also be left blank but it should check and give other values back.
Condition I Need to check are like If From Location & Followers are more than MinNum and lesser than Are MaxNum and category is this
how do I do this? I know we have to use a query column. But Somehow when I add second nesting element condition in query it’s always failing.
I Saw this video by @Robert_Petitto is this still valid and best way to do it?
Can I create Multiple query columns for each filtering and Display values in list based on If-ElseIf?
Hi Guys,
here is what I did.
I did a lookup for Location and Niche available in my table and Stored the created a joined list of lookup response as Location Joined list and Niche Joined list.
I will enter selected value for Location → Create a SingleValue column to get the selected location → I created a ifelseif column to check wether any location is selected if yes Then I write selected location if not I show Location joined List
Same way for Niche
I ask user to enter upper limit of followers → create single value of upper limit of followers
I do a ifelseif to see wether single value for upper limit is available if yes then I show upper value else I am showing 10000000000000000
I ask user to enter lower limit of followers → create single value of lower limit of followers
I do a ifelseif to see wether single value for lower limit is available if yes then I show lower value else I am showing 0
Then I create a query column which checks for is niche included in Nicheifelse && Location is included in locationfielse && followers < upperlimitifelse && followers > lowerlimitifelse
I am getting query response.
I was to know wether this is acceptable approach?
Thank you in advance for help.
Hi @ThinhDinh ,
thank you for replying.
Correct me if I am wrong here
- If I need to have multiple selection in my choice component
Should I include “Is Included in Option” ?
Can you tell me whether this is right approach?
Also I need to be able to download the selected Value. so I should use the query column right ?
Thank you in advance.