Need help: is there a way i can host user data in certain geography?

Hi guys,

I am making a quick POC where i will be collecting some personal i formation of users in my app.

The law of land for certain countries need these data to be hosted within their countries ,

Basically meaning the data should be houses in database which resides in particular country.

Is there a way in glide i can control
This ?


@ThinhDinh have any idea? I don’t think it is possible. Everything is in google storage right?

I believe it’s a no.

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You can register hosting in each country with a local provider. Deploy Postgres on it and connect it to Glide

Thank you for your reply @MaximeBaker


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Thank you for your reply @ThinhDinh


Hi @iPomidor ,

Thank you for replying.

Can you explain how can I do this?

By posters do you mean SQL database? Host these in particular geography instances?


Also One more question is

How can I get the users Data which generally is stored in Users table to come from Multiple locations?

In GLide Users table can only be one table right?
