I am using Make.com to fetch some data on a daily basis. I fetch data which basically inputs Text in a column and Other data.
Since its done on daily basis sometimes same text messages are copied into the database. I want it to remove duplicates when added. Is there a way to handle this in glide automatically? Without having any user intervention as soon as make write data to glide table??
Is there an identifier for each item? If so, I’d add a query rows module in your Make Scenario to see if the duplicate has already been added. If so, filter that one out before adding the new ones.
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately currently the API response is not giving me any identifier.
I used combination of this solution from @Jeff_Hager
and by configuring workflow
Since I had Beta access to scheduled workflow I could test it
I think the bigger issue in this would be when the table size increases and duplicates increate, each delete costs me an update, which becomes an issue.
Yeah the text is part of api response. Everytime the api is queried I get text in response which I write to my text column of the table where I store this response.
The api just sends me entire response everyday meaning it will send older data plus new data everyday when queried
So hence in my table old response plus new response gets added meaning the “text”
Now my problem is the text column which is storing the response it gets from api since it’s written everyday there will be duplicates right I need to remove them or let api not write the existing values in the table again from api
PS I use make to call api and write response into glide table