Need guidance and help on how can I add OPEN AI output as multiple rows in a table

Hi Guys,

I have a table called creators which has creators names. I use open AI to go through my database and give me the list of creators who will match some condition.

I want to be able to add these suggested creator into another table. But it should create multiple rows meaning each creator should be sent to a sperate row in a column.

How can I achieve this?

Currently all my selected creators are written to single column in a row.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Soon Glide will have a way for you to loop through an output to add rows dynamically. Give it maybe a month or two!

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Hi @Robert_Petitto ,

Thank you for replying and confirming on this. Can’t wait to have this feature release! Hope to see it soon.

In the meantime any workaround I can try to obtain it?

Thank you again.
