Hi friends,
It is my contribution to keep informing the CODIV-19 status in my country (Venezuela) and South America https://vzla-covid19.glideapp.io/
I used Charts and Maps to make it more friendly and usefull with data generated by Johns Hopkins CSSE and https://covid-19.datasettes.com everyday.
The data is read and handled automatically by my App using this query:
select day, country_or_region, province_or_state, confirmed, deaths, recovered, last_update from daily_reports where country_or_region=‘Venezuela’ order by day limit 101
but if you load it from Google Sheet, the syntax must be:
=IMPORTHTML(“https://covid-19.datasettes.com/covid?sql=select+day%2C+country_or_region%2C+province_or_state%2C+confirmed%2C+deaths%2C+recovered%2C+last_update+from+daily_reports+where+country_or_region%3D’Venezuela’+order+by+day+limit+101”; “table”; 1)
The data has a delay of 24 hours, I have 2 days testing it and its updating works fine. I still don;t know if the refresing time is ruled by Johns Hopkins CSSE or GitHub’s folks but if they improve it, my App will do as well.
I hope it can help everyone and we overcome this crisis in the best way. Greetings and take care.
Saludos para todos!