We have a Glide app that our consultants use to track time and bill us for their time.
Currently, they are able to enter entries individually (i.e., 8 hours worked on 1 day), or they are able to enter time for a range of dates (i.e., 40 hours worked for 2/19-2/23). There are few reasons we allow this currently but I’d like to deprecate the ability to enter for a range because it also causes us a lot of problems.
Rather than then making everyone enter a new entry for every day (some folks only enter time once a week or even once a month), I would like to offer a form where they can enter multiple days at once and create multiple entries, preferably in some kind of grid layout.
I don’t think that would work, a data grid isn’t meant to serve your use case.
To help people with 1 less click per entry, I would keep the current setup and have an on-screen form container. Upon submitting, the entry components will be cleared and they can submit the next one on the same screen without hitting the form button again.
Yes, it’s a great idea to send records one at a time, without leaving the screen and displaying a clean form, you can expand this technique so that the positions entered in this session are visible on the same screen (like a DataGrid). Before opening a custom form, create a unique input session ID and create it each time you log into the shared custom form screen. When you send another record, also save the session ID. And the source for the DataGrid of the entered records will be Multiple relation from session id to session id in a saved table.
Also, i suggest not to use Data grid. But use collection or custom collection to let users to edit just entered list of records.