This seems similar to a situation I ran into awhile back. In that case I was trying to create a lookup column that pulled back an array column. I don’t think anything came of that request.
Taking my example from above, what I attempted to do was create an array column. I also created a key template column so I would have the same value on every row. Then I created a relation on the sheet to itself using the key column, so every row would have a relation to all rows in the sheet. Looking at all of this, I really couldn’t get any further or figure out how to join multiple columns together in at least a lookup array column. Even using the ‘column’ array from (column 1, column 2, column) as a relation to itself wouldn’t give me anything close to what I was looking for.
So the only option I can think of is to first add your ID column, whether it’s RowID or however you want to create it. Then add a template column with any value you want, but so it’s the same on every row. Then create a relation column that links that template back to itself. Then create 3 inline lists that all point to the same relation column. The only difference is that the first list will display Column 1 values on the list, the second list will display Column 2 values, and the third list will display Column 3 values. This will give the appearance of one cohesive list. I think the ID columns will display how you want in a repeating pattern. The only catch is that all three lists will be pointing the same sheet, so the design of the details view for all three lists will end up being the same (which I think would have been the case no matter what).
Hopefully that makes sense and is ultimately what you are looking for.