I have a more unique requirement for a multi image upload. I know that function already exist natively in glide however i need users to be able to rearrange the photos once uploaded to the form and keep them in the same order as they were selected by the user when they upload them. The only way I can think of trying to make this work is with the AI custom component but cant seem to get it even close to what im looking for. Any suggestions?
This is the closest ive gotten to what i need and this is with the custom component, my issue is now I have no idea where it is storing these photos and when i move this component into a form container it breaks the form and nothing gets submitted.
Have you tried telling the component to write back to the linked variable whenever a change is made?
Yea! You could use a kanban for this potentially. Another idea is to write a self contained html file using Claude 3.5 then use a template to pass the url links to the images then use a “html to url” computed column pointed at the template which will give you a web embed to display
i would really like to be able to pretty much just have the built in multiple image picker but be able to rearrange the photos in the form, would this method work?
I see you are using a series of columns here, would it be possible to use a “multiple image” column instead?
I would like to but it wont show up for the custom component to use
Ah I see the problem. I don’t have a good suggestion for now.
thanks for your help, it did get me closer, i just cant seem to get it to actually save the photos to the columns when i submit the form now
Try this.
- Add a Joined List column to convert your multiple images column into a comma delimited list of urls. Name it Input.
- Add a Text column and name it Output.
- Add a Split Text column to convert Output into an array. (optional if you need the images as an array)
Once you have those columns, add a custom component with this prompt.
Bind Input, which is a comma delimited list of image urls. Split the urls and render them as an image gallery. Allow the images to be rearranged using drag and drop. Save the rearranged images as a comma delimited list of urls to bound to Output. If a new image url appear in the bound Input, add it to the end of the bound Output. If an image url is removed from bound Input, also remove the url from bound Output. Input and Output should be the only bound columns.
You are awesome! Works great! thank you!
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