Hello everybody,
I’m building a anual calendar where the user can customize the days (laborable or dayoff, entrance time, week logic etc…).
I’m tring to export some data from one table to another by a form button but apears that I can only manage to pull the first row. Better option would be to move a few rows (12 months) in one shot to the other table.
Any tips to solve this issue?
Here an screen shot if it helps:
Many thanks
Add a query column in your table to get the data based on the conditions you want! Then, use that query as the source of data.
Sorry, I’m not sure to undestand.
I see no way to choose the query as a source for the rows second and so on.
The form only allows me to pull the first row data. Here an screen shot:
Any other tips will be apreciated.
Many thanks!
Albert Puig
You can select a table as the source of the query
try that!
I Think I already done this… Not sure is what you mean, but the problem I have is that the button doesen’t pick up the date from second row and so on…
Sorry if I don’t get it, please any further tips might be great.
Many thanks.
Albert Puig
What are the sources of the screen and the collection you have settled?

On your right the form has a workflow on summit for create a row per each person I piked up in the form choice component so the data is separated in a row each.
That’s what I did so far, might be a better way, but here we are in case it helps.
Many thanks!
Albert Puig
Sorry again,
Lateral issue. Some trouble with text to date here. For some reason it’s working fine with some rows (Gener) but not in others (Abril). Is that a bug? Any tips will be apreciatte.
Many thanks
Albert Puig
The empty rows are all missing the time part in the template. What happens if you include that as “0:00” for those rows that are date only?
Days with no time are “days off” and are not shown because in further functions will be buttons to click wether the date is empty or not.
However if I do as you suggest the problem persists. No rows empty but the the ones that where wrong remain wrong (Abril, Maig…).
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Albert Puig
oh, I see. I missed that the first time.
That usually happens when you use the Date plugins with ambiguous dates.
The best way to avoid it is to represent the dates in YYYY-MM-DD format, and pass that to the Text to Date column.
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Thanks for your advide Darren, still sorry to bother you again, even I Changed date format, the problem remains… (see 2025/04/01 case).
The template is showing the right date and time but the column text to date still change the time.
Thanks in advanced again.
Albert Puig
So does it have to look like the template in your destination table, or not?
As you suggest in the bug report, I think it’s because the text-date column calculate the time considerint the daylight energy earn since this issue takes place since 29/03 to 29/10.
Now I’m wondering if the date will refresh itself and show the correct time after that moment (29/03) or since are “stamped” from the form the way it’s writen now will always show the wrong time…
First case, no need to anything else, just wait for the sumer time change
Second I should customize the time before I send the data through the form to the other table.
What would you suggest the best option is?
Many thanks in advanced. Have a nice sunday!