Missing legacy app features

Does anyone know why features such as Floating button’s, enlarge image 1:1 scale images (original upload) were never carried over to pages and the “new glide”.

Floating buttons were amazing to share links etc.

Enlarge image was great for users to view more details of a image or make a QR code more readable.

1:1 images were great so images didn’t get cropped when being viewed and would be great for viewing multiple images from the multiple image upload.

Couldn’t find another post like this. These features of glide apps are one’s I miss and think about when creating new apps. It would be great if these could be reintroduced into glide. :slight_smile:

People has been complaining a lot about these differences between Classic and New. However, we don’t know if Glide is going to bring them all over.

The only components that are confirmed to not be brought over are these ones.


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