Metamask - Crypto and token

Hello Friend how are you? I need a bit of your help in connecting an app with metamask (CHROME EXTENSION WALLET)

I need that when pressing the button in the app, it opens the extension to confirm the smart contract

I’m not sure how this work, but does this mean your user has to install the extension as well?

Yes, the user must have the ectesion installed in their browser; I need the user to press the button automatically connect with the metamask to confirm the smart contract.

When doing this the user ID would be the number of the wallet

Then how would this work when they use your app on mobile? Does that extension work for all devices? Let’s say if I’m on iOS and use Safari then would it work for me?

No, since Google Chrome of the mobile does not allow extensions, that is why in order to have the extension on the mobile it must be through kiwi browser, otherwise it will not be possible

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