Crypto wallet in Glide

Hello, I’m here again heading a new project in launch.

As usual, I’m trying to do something almost impossible again in Glide (for now, or so I think.)

Does anyone have an idea of ​​how I can make a crypto wallet in Glide (with everything that this entails. That is, sending and receiving cryptos, unique wallet number, etc.)

Any info you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

PS: I’m glad to be here again.

Hi Jorge, welcome back.

Not sure how to do this unfortunately. Not sure if this is what Glide is intended for, but I’d be interested to see if anyone has a solution.

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yes, is all possible… a great tool you can use is google scripts and API

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You have given me a light at the end of the tunnel. How can I contact you to talk more comfortably?

`my contact and business card are in Glide profile