May I Make A Suggestion

It’s amazing how everyone has taken this in a different direction and doesn’t seem to understand the request whatsoever. It’s simple, change nothing about Glide community whatsoever. Create a tutorials section acknowledged and certified by Glide. Glide pays those people that submitted the tutorials that they themselves approved and chose to use. It’s quite simple. don’t over think it.

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You get it right, Glide doesn’t have enough tutorials to teach with currently so people in the community has graciously done their jobs for them. I ask that they acknowledge and fund those people. Not us, Glide, everything else stays the same. Other companies do this on a regular basis. Valve, Apple, Google, Microsoft to name a few.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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We created the Experts program for people who want to get paid to help others build Glide apps. Some experts make over $1k per day doing this. We encourage you to apply if you’d like to make money helping people use Glide! Once you become an Expert, we can recommend you heavily to Glide customers.

We often compensate top community contributors with free Pro licenses, swag, and someday VIP passes to Glide conferences :wink:

The community is a special place where you can get free help, and you know the people helping you are doing it for altruistic reasons. If you want to make cold hard cash, please become an Expert.

Also, we simply could not afford to pay you all for how much you help us! We are still a small startup. :joy:


Really?! I’m doing something wrong then :rofl:


Lmao, must be. I can’t even get regular status lmao. But it would only of been for tutorials as I mentioned. That wouldn’t be nearly as much money as it is made out to be. And we are always gonna help, that’s not what it was about. :grin:

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You get paid with :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:




“And Robert’s Heart Grew 3 Times In Size That Day”



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We need these referrals.

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