Math across different tables

I’m trying to figure out how to calculate the qty of a specific barcode.

Table #1 has a column with total qty with a specific barcode.
Table #2 has stock movement (+1 or -1 attached to a specific barcode, on a row )

How do I get the “total qty” to tally up the numbers from Table #2 using the barcode and qty #?

Any chance you can provide a screen shot of both tables, just to help to better visualise?

Table #1 - Ingredients

Table #2 - Stock Movement

Okay, thanks.

  • In the first table, create a multiple relation column, matching the Barcode # with the Barcode in the second table
  • Then add a Rollup column, that takes a sum of QTY via the relation column

Thank you so much! :pray:

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