"Make Row Owner" not available for Make Array column?

Trying to follow this

But when I create a make array column and combine two columns, that new make array column does not hav the ‘Make row owner’ option in the drop down. Any clues why?

That’s helpful, but is there a reason that the “make array” column does not present the option to make it a row owner?

Also, it also didn’t work for me when I tried having two separate columns. I had set “organization” as the role in the User table, and then made an organization column and set that as one of two row owners. I put the org name in the column, but using the view as user feature, other users in that org could not see the document. Just the person who’s email is in the first row owner column.

If you read my entire post, I explain why in the third bullet point.

Can you share some screenshots showing the data with the role and row owner columns? Also a screenshot of your user profile configuration?

Ok. I missed that the first time. But that’s very confusing, because that is the opposite of what the official glide documentation says.

" As you can see, you can have emails or roles in this column :point_up_2:t3:. If you make an Array Column a Row Owners column, you can have emails and roles assigned to the same row. For example:"

And their example shows an Array Column, though admittedly it does not show a row owner applied to that. …how could they get it that wrong? Or did I misread it?

I’ll try the other methods and if still having issues report back here.

The example is correct. The “Array” column is different from a “Make Array” column. The Array column can only be created by placing columns next to each other in a Google Sheets environment (say Owner 1, Owner 2, Owner 3). That is still considered a basic column.

“Make Array” is a computed column, hence it can’t be used as a row owner as of now.

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The doc is technically correct, but it’s outdated and misleading. It definitely needs updating.


Ah. Ok. I thought the make array column had replaced that approach and they were technically the same. Now it get it.

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I was able to get this to work. Thanks @Jeff_Hager

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