I aim for an email to be sent to the owner when the first comment is posted and subsequently to everyone in the comment field when a new comment is posted.
But the first comment is sent to the commenter instead of the owner.
What am I doing wrong?
I don’t think that your configuration will be working fine with multiple comments from the same user.
Here’s my solution idea
Create a query column with these filters:
ID is this row → ID
Commenter email is not this row → commenter email
Create a joined list column for emails
Set the source to query column → commenter email.
Create a template column
Set the template to: $commenters, $owner
$commenters → joinedlist
$owner → your owner lookup email column
That would make a joined list with owner email included.
Create a Unique Elements column
Set the source to the template column.
In your workflow, remove the condition and keep only one send email. Set the emails to the unique elements column.
When you say the “owner”, do you mean the person who posted the comment, or the one who “owns” the entity you are commenting on? I assume the second case?