Location Component logs location but...Erroring out

so I’m now using the Location component, it is logging my location for sure in the proper table. But then on the frontend, it displays an ERROR in red. Can’t figure out exactly what went wrong.

Additionally - now I want to auto-compute the value from the coordinates to an actual address. I might use Radar or Google - but that’s the Maker license. Anyone use it so I can see if it really works?

Thank you!

You don’t need an integration for that. You can use the Distance to Location column.

And yes, it works. I use it extensively.

So yes, I was able to add a new column and it did a distance from current location and gave me 0 miles. Very good.

Then may be now my requirement needs to be clarified :slight_smile:

so I’m trying to get the current location where the form filler is at and display the actual address where they are - so that is displayed in any reports I generate.

Am I making sense?

That makes sense. Again, does the location component in the form not working for that use case?

Not yet… at least. Now I have the coordinates in the Location field in the table. Now I need to auto-convert that into ‘an address’ I think I do have to use the Radar or Google Maps integration.

There is probably a convoluted way though :slight_smile:
I have 10 locations of this ‘business’. so I could generate longitude/lattitude info for each of them, and compare them with to the captured location info and see if this submitter is near any of those location… as I said - OVER-convluted… :slight_smile:

Additional but related question -

So I know I will move to the Maker license, but it would be solely for Radar or Google Maps integration. Will there be an additional cost for using either of those integrations? Or is that integration fully available to me with the Maker license?

This should be the case.

You can just have that Radar/Google Maps part as a column pointed to your coordinates column for an input.

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That’s what I would do. It’s trivial, and doesn’t require using any integrations or consume any updates.

I think I will need help. I have the 10 locations addresses, and I have captured those locations’ long/latt’s . How do I compare the ‘captured’ location long/latt with these and say 'This location is closest to Location #5".

Assuming you have all 10 locations in a single table, one per row, add a Distance to Location column. You can then use a Rollup->Minimum to find the closest.

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Thank you will try this and confirm. Thank you so much!

Just an extra point…

To actually identify the closest location, you will need a couple of extra columns.
Probably the easiest is as follows:

  • Add a Query column that targets the Distance column and sort it in ascending order.
  • Add Single Value column to fetch the first location name from the Query column.
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