Link to screen with Submit on form

Let’s say I designed the form button to collect customer information. As of now, when they finish entering data and clicking submit, they will return to the design page with the button form button and they will continue to view other content of the application. However, a limitation occurs: that the user unknow that the information they enter is sent? because they do not receive a response from the app.

I have a solution as follows:

After designing the data fields, the data collection is completed. The app designer can edit the Submit button (the default of the form) with 2 options for further design:

  1. As the current feature ( exit the form and return the designed page)

  2. The app designer can also order the submit button “link to screen” another sheet.

This way, with option 2: the designer can create a notification to the user about the results after they provide the information from the form. I want to have this feature, because I want to create a knowledge exam application. After they complete the answers question (select submit). there will be a notice board "Congratulations on completing the test. The number of your answers is __ / __ answers. You get ___ points for the correct answer. (Google forms like this have this feature)

And one more little suggestion: is it possible to edit the word Submit in the language you want or the icon? because if using an iphone, then display the word submit, while using an android, then V. Thank you

If so, it would be great


The app will send a response in the sense that there is a popup that says ‘Sent’.

What I would do in your case is create a template column on the sheet you gave the form button. Fill it with a value like ‘Completed’. Do the same thing on your form response sheet. Next create a relation column that links both template columns. Finally create a lookup column that uses the relation to get an array of emails that have completed the form. You can use this lookup column to set visibility by signed in user to hide the form button and show a different link to screen button, or you can use the same relation for an inline list filtered by signed in user.
On your main page, use the list in a card or tile style to show a template column from the form responses that’s built to say congratulations and show the test results on the tile or card. You can build that template by creating all the math and if then columns you need in the form response sheet to build a template that says congratulations with their results.


Excuse me, with your content, I would like to ask if it can be done in the present? Or is it the future to come? If this is the case, would you recommend the reference sample model in the way that you instructed?


Anything I’ve mentioned is currently available to do. It’s the best way I could think of to do it, so yes, I do recommend it.

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Thanks Jeff_Hager

In my understanding, what you say requires filtering on the condition that the person who enters the information must log in using gmail. The designer must include the filter: user sign in and select any content column (content is not empty). then display the notice board when that condition is met. Is it true? and the thing I always have a headache of is that users don’t want to log in, they just want to see the content and send information if they like. This will be difficult to filter as you say.

Yes if you want to display a list and only show the rows that belong to the signed in user, then you will need to add a filter by signed in user. For that to work, you will need to make the user sign in. You will need that so you can keep track of who submitted the form. All of the steps should be in my original post. If you follow them in order, it should work.

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Perfect! For the main page relating the same user I have already tested, but this first one, to do a lookup for the user email, and use all the visibility features in the page to create a new msg… that’s dope!

I will definitely try this out!

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Closing this topic. Today we can do it with Compound Actions :sparkles: