Hello everyone, and Merry Christmas, and have a great 2024:
I have two questions
I would like to know if there is a way to create a column that writes the link to a column of images.
2.- I am working on a table that is going to be extensive and I would like to know what the maximum number of columns with Loockups is recommended before loading becomes slow.
Image columns only store the link url to the image. They do not store the actual image which is stored elsewhere. Is it a Multiple Images column? You could use a link component to display the links. Or you could use a Joined List column to turn the array of urls into a comma delimited text string.
There isn’t a hard set rule for number of columns. Some people have 1000+ columns in their tables with no issues. Some have less than 100 columns, but various complexity leads to slowness. There’s a lot of combined factors that may make an app slow, such as complex links between tables, and complex computations. You’re only going to know there slowness when you reach that point. There’s way too many factors to come up with general rules. If you’re just taking about Lookup columns, I doubt you would have any issues.
Is a individual image column, i need see the link in my table data.
When you have a image column in your data, you see the image, but when you change the same column to text, show you the link. Right ? i need that but in two columns one for the image and one for the link.
Thanks for the second reply, I’m going to see how the speed behaves by adding several search columns.
You could use a template column to create a text version of the image url, but it really doesn’t matter. Since the column only ever truly contains the text of the url, you can use an image component to display the image, and use a text component to display the url. You don’t need two separate columns…you can if you want, but they’re really isn’t a point. Just use the appropriate component to display what you want from that image column.