Like counter


AWESOME !!! you saved the day with this video !!! finally
I didnt realized the spreadsheet seen with the " DATA " feature views it differently then the spreadsheet itself and has all those features and formulas


Yes! The data editor in Glide, while more limited than a spreadsheet regarding the AMOUNT of formulas available, is MUCH MORE convenient (and instantaneous) than spreadsheets.

How did you manage to use the like/dislike button for each user?
I only manage to make each user write a text or a rate, but like/dislike button.

Then, can you see (in a sheet, or in data) the different comments (text, rate, likeā€¦)?

so for all my FRUIT ITEMS i created a boolean function so signed in users can save favorites etc ā€¦
and then i created a checkbox function so they can click like or dislike
hope this helps

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How did you manage to do this counting? itā€™s not possible to add the likes, isnā€™t it?

But do you manage to count the number of likes and dislikes?

I didnt need to know this information , so I dont know if you can

As far as I know, you canā€™t do a rollup count of likes yet. It stores a number, but at best you can only store it for each individual user. You just canā€™t total the number of likes.

Hello, any update on this topic ? Or may someone can tell me how to do the average with the rating, for a specfic item not for the current user ?

@Robert_Petitto has a pretty good video on Youtube on this particular use case (

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Iā€™ve also implemented a workaround to enable rolling up ā€œLikesā€ that might work for other people as it did for.

By using a button, you can add an Action called ā€œincrementā€. I added a column to my spreadsheet called ā€œLikesPositiveā€ and any time someone clicked the Button I added, Glide would +1 to the ā€œLikesPositiveā€ column on that item (regardless of the user).

Obviously the above is open to spam and people constantly smashing the like button, so what I did was create a User Specific Column called ā€œVotedPositiveā€ which was also incremented whenever the user clicked the button.

With all the ā€œā€¦Positiveā€ variables, I also added the ā€œā€¦Negativeā€ equivalents and the ā€œTotalā€¦ā€ equivalents too, to use in conditions.

i.e. TotalVoted = VotedPositive - VotedNegative
I then added a display condition which meant the ā€œLikeā€ button would only show up if ā€œTotalVotedā€ was less than 1 (meaning you either havenā€™t voted or you voted and unvoted).
The ā€œUnlikeā€ button would then show up in the opposite (i.e. the ā€œTotalVotedā€ is more than 0).

I repeated the same for the Total Number of Likes, which were not user specific columns.

I hope this helps, and Iā€™d be happy to do a video to explain more clearly if people require.


Iā€™m running into an issue where the dislike button stays if that is the first button pressed. The ā€œunlikeā€ button will continue to stay visible and can be spammed unless the ā€œlikeā€ button is pressed first or when you spam enough ā€œlikesā€ to get it past 0.

I tried incrementing by ā€œ-1ā€ and that didnā€™t help me.

Trying a few workarounds but getting stuck with my if-then logic. I tried having a statement where:

IF VotedNegative > 0 AND IF VotedPositive is empty THEN ā€œLOCKEDā€ and I tried that as a visibility condition.

Any thoughts?

What I did to try and make it simpler is to have a column in the spreadsheet which calculates the ā€œTotal Likesā€. So you increment the positive likes when someone clicks the like button, increment the negative likes when someone ā€œunlikesā€.
You then have a formula ā€œ=PositiveLikes - NegativeLikesā€ then base all conditions on that single TotalLikes column.

Hope that makes sense.

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Have implemented a simple solution for this in this app to verify City-wide Covid Resources:

You can copy this app.


Actually @Robert_Petitto is one of the best glide apps creator ever I really like his videos and every glide user should subscribe to him


Aw shucks. Youā€™re too kind!

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In the meantime, is it yet possible to roll-up user-specific data?

There are newer posts at the end of this thread, but the answer isā€¦not natively.


Hi @Robert_Petitto ,

do you know when Rollup function will work over different users?

Iā€™d like a likes-counter, so I created a user-specific column for storing the ā€œlikesā€, but Iā€™m not able to sum them across the different users.

Do you have any suggestion in order to implement this?
