Like button

I want to show items which are liked by user.

If i push a like button in a profile page, it works properly. But if i click a button in a post sheet, the item isn’t appeared in a profile page.
Do you know why?

I think @Manan_Mehta managed to get a like counter somewhere, look for that topic, it might help you

1 Like

Thanks @PabloMFalero


I see but i don’t get how to show what is liked in a post page in a user page …

It should be a user specific component, so users are only able to see what they liked

What is “it”? You mean like column?

I made it user-specific. But it doesn’t seem to be working well.
スクリーンショット 2021-02-10 0.18.48 スクリーンショット 2021-02-10 0.18.52

Like should be a number column, if you like it it increments by +1 and if you dislike it is -1

Yes. I changed it but it seems to be working incorrectly.

Only posts which are posted by login-user appear. I want all of the posts which login-user liked.