Laying out of busy interfaces (shipping app)

Just looking for ideas and things to consider when designing an app for the shipping industry.

The app will need to collect a lot of data (fields) and then as the shipment (quotation, routing, vessels, booking, shipment, customs, billing) goes through various stages it will need to track and add on more fields/data

Looking for suggestions/ideas or feedback from others that may have done very busy apps/layouts.

Looking for an implementation that works like tabs, so when in a shipment, you can click on tabs/buttons to only display that collection of data/actions.
I could get to about 300 - 500 columns, which will be larger then what I have done before, so any tips/guidance will be appreciated.


If I were you, I’d sit down and on a table write the layout/schema of my tables (fields, relations, roles, security, layouts, naming convention, etc.) and screens.

You might start with this kind of tool at least:


I would segment those infos into their own “stages” with the column names so you can track them more easily. Let’s say Stage 1/Field name, Stage 2/Field name etc.

Then have a user-specific column for users to view info by stage, and drive the visibility conditions of containers/components using that USC value.

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