Lag when adding a row to a G-sheet - will a native table fix the issue?

I have a custom form where a user fills in some choices to user specific columns and then submits via a button, which adds a row to a Google Sheet.

It works well but occasionally there’ll be a lag where the submit button freezes and nothing happens for up to 30 seconds before the data is finally sent through. Sometimes it remains frozen until I close and reopen the app. Sometimes the user specific columns remain selected after submission, even though opening a new form includes an action that clears all user columns. This can result in the previous form being submitted twice, which should be impossible according to the way it’s set up.

My question: if I change the ‘add row’ action to write to a native Glide table instead of a Google sheet, could it fix the problem? Not sure if this is a sync issue, or a user-specific column issue.

Hard to say for sure. I’ve not encountered this or similar issues for at least 2 or 3 years, and I have Apps with custom forms that use both Google Sheets and native tables.

What I will say is that it’s always a good idea to prefer native tables over external data sources where performance is important.

My advice would be if you don’t actually need the data in the Google Sheet, then yes for sure move it to a native table.


Thanks, wanted to check before starting what will be a big job converting the table. The ability to export selected rows from individual tables negates the need for a Google sheet.

Generally, is a native form is more reliable than a custom form that relies on user columns? I guess there shouldn’t be any difference, as long as the custom form has been set up properly?

A native form is just easier to setup and work with. And depending on your plan, it will use less updates than a custom form. My rule of thumb is I will only use a custom form if I need some functionality that a native form doesn’t provide.