Issue with OpenAI "Ask About a Table" Functionality

Hello Glide Community,

I hope you’re all doing well! I’m reaching out because I’ve encountered an issue with the OpenAI “Ask About a Table” functionality in my Glide app, and I’m hoping to get some assistance.
I’ve been using the “Ask About a Table” feature to ask questions about a data table in my Glide app. However, I’ve noticed that the responses generated by the OpenAI model are often inaccurate or incomplete, providing incorrect answers or missing relevant information.

For example, when I ask the model to identify the number of crops or beds listed in my farm spreadsheet, it frequently fails to detect all the items present, giving significantly fewer results than what actually exists in the data.

Another weird thing i get as a response to the question “What is the latest day of harvest” is this answer in the screenshots. It says that The column labeled “Date of Harvest” only contains the text “[object Object]” for each entry. When you can clearly see that my column has date value correctly formatted. Does anyone know a solution to this or maybe an alternative (Asking AI about your glide tables and have it retrieve data from it )

Replied to you here, so I’ll close this thread.

Please don’t post duplicate threads. Thank you.