Issue with apps today?

In builder this list come out:

But in browser

nothing come out.

Can i know why and how/?

Do you have any filters/visibility conditions for that component?

yes of course , but how come in my builder is different ?
I check today, its the same.
Can anyone help me? because its my office operation. very hard if this app down.
I really need this to be solved urgently.

Is the account in your browser Zun Azilah? Provide a screenshot of the visibility settings and whether your table applies row owners as well.

i noticed the date also weird. i will screenshot once i found again. but all this happen after i update glide.

You did not answer my question. How could anyone possibly help for something unknown

which question? i send to u the screenshot ready?


Oh okay

My name is Biha. so i send to you my browser. That one my user’s browser.
I send to u mine so that easy for your investigation.

this is from the builder view:

and this is my browser.

And i dont create any row owners.

Hi Biha :slight_smile:

If I was to take a wild guess, I would guess that it has something to do with the date filters.
Can you explain how they are applied?

but…i’ve been using thing for one year ++…:frowning: why today :frowning:

ok wait let me show you

So basically if the list of the machine is not overlap with the selected start date and end date, it will come out from the list.

I don’t see anything about dates in that screen shot… :thinking:

1 Like

For the second filter.

This is my calculation

I suspect there is a Google account problem in the browser, because the first screenshot was seen from Azilah’s account and now Biha’s. Make sure it’s the same account.

no, u can see this thread :slight_smile:

For the one that doesn’t work, which type of device and browser is it?

for each user, i have to ask them to try few different browser and it is all the same.
Cannot. But ok with my builder.

For now i show you from

Chrome Browser,

Edge Browser,


and android

For your information , i made no matter who is the user, if select the same date, still can view the list of machine which available.

If you expand the date range, does it work?

Just make sure your date is in the usc column.