However this is unstable, sometimes I can import it, sometimes not.
You have to get the user ID (numerical) to get the photo, and it seems many people are using their customized user name instead. Might have to ask users to find their numerical ID from a 3rd party site, which is not ideal.
I can’t get this to work right, I am not sure if I am substituting the right items in the formula. Can you show me what it should look like with the actual user name in it? As a note, I am pulling the user name from a column entitled Instagram. So I’m trying to make it read that column and put that information in the formula and display.
Also, I have the same thing happening for a twitter image, but some people don’t have Twitter accounts so I want it to then go to IG image and if nothing there allow them to upload it. The current way it works it breaks if I change something in the image column because it only wants the twitter image.
I am doing these all manually right now to generate the images for the people who signed up to a sign up list vs. creating a profile, but when creating a profile, I guess maybe what I should be looking to do is create formulas for the Twitter and IG columns and then on the form allow them to select to use: twitter image, ig image or upload a new one. Maybe that makes more sense?
It’s weird because when I first tried with that itslaurentime handle, it didn’t return anything but after a while it loads normally.
For the image change, don’t point any of the arrayformula columns to the image field of the user profiles. Users will break it if they try to change an image. You must point it to a normal column and accept if they leave that image field blank, it will come up as blank when they view the “sign-in/sign-out” screen or leave a comment.
If you plan to use an If > Then > Else Glide column as an image field for displaying purposes then you can do so, but for the profile image field associated with the sign in/sign out screen you must point it to a Sheet column that doesn’t contain formulas, that’s what I mean.
Ahhh, ok gotcha. Thanks. I did not realize that. I just looked up the one we were working on and its definitely blank but shows up on her profile in the app. Is there a way to generate the same data in another column as static image link vs. formula?
Probably I can think of a script that would work like this. When a new row is generated, insert some buffer seconds for the formulas to load (like 5 seconds for example).
Then if Twitter image is not blank, save the temporary value as Twitter image link.
If Twitter image is blank, and if Instagram image is not blank, save the temporary value as Instagram image link.
If both of them are blank, the temporary value would be some default image link that you can assign in the script.
Then copy that value to the static image column that you will use for the user profiles field.
Hope someone would have the time to write that script.
That sounds cool and is definitely over my head Perhaps someone will, it sounds useful. The more I think about it though, I’m overthinking the profile image, they will upload one. The reason they do not have them now and I had to generate them is because they signed up through an interest list and I didn’t ask for them (as there was no app yet), inserting them was for fit and finish. So as a work around I inserted the twitter profile images and on the landing page, only show profiles that have an image in that field, although that feature only works sometimes