Is it possible to use Markdown Text in list views in my app?

you gonna have to make as many CSS as you have list items, if the list is not fixed, you have to use script to find that elemnt

ok. I understand. I was also wondering if I am able to set an image in a list as its background? I’ll attach an image…

I was wondering if I could set whatever that image is to the background. Is there some piece of code like…

[data-test=“list-item”] .imageStyle {

Screen Shot 2022-03-12 at 10.03.23 PM

yes, image or color, it is a similar process… but you can use tiles list for that

Is there anything I can do to resize/change the image? I’d like to make it just a bit bigger and shift it a bit to the left.

did you look at my Code BOOK? you can find all answers there… and play with settings by clicking the edit button

I looked at the book, but couldn’t find anything on resizing the image - maybe I just can’t find the right post.

click edit icon and adjust width or position


Is that the name of a post in the CodeBook?

what do you mean?

Never mind. I figured it out

Back to the nth child thing - what would the code look like using @ThinhDinh 's example if I wanted to turn the background of the second item green? I know for a list in HTML you can use li: nth-child(2n){} to target every other item, but am not sure how it applies here.

I think each item has a dynamic title name attached to it, so you don’t have to use the nth-child approach for this. I’ll get an example for you when I have time.

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