Is it possible to make containers the same height as per the below image, when it’s set as a card design it auto creates the height based on the length of content inside the card. I just want them to be the same container height on each row.
Have you tried adding spacers inside the shorter container (separator with no line)?
Yea but the text length is different in each item, so a spacer would still affect the length as it is a custom collection
This happens because of the responsive nature of Glide; it can only be solved by using CSS with a fixed height.
Thanks, do you know what the css would look like? And can it be targeted to a custom collection? Thanks!
Try this …
[data-testid="cc-card"] {
height: 250px;
If it doesn’t work. Can you show me your component layout so I know which ones you want to target.
I found your old thread and I compiled it here:
.items div[class*="max-size-2xl"] > div:first-child {
margin-top: 0px;
.items div[class*="max-size-2xl"] > div:first-child div {
--container-x-pad: 0px;
border-radius: 12px 12px 0 0;
.items .aspect-container img {
border-radius: 12px 12px 0 0;
height: 250px;
/*New additional code*/
.items [data-testid="wire-component-stack"] > div > div > div{
height: 500px;