Introducing Our One-Hour Wonder: A Health & Fitness App Built with Glide!

Hey Glide Community! :wave:

Excited to unveil the result of our internal company challenge: a full-fledged health and fitness app built in just one hour with Glide!

:rocket: Quick Snapshot:

User Profile Creation: Personalize with details like age, weight, and health goals.
Food Logging: Track meals and snacks with automatic calorie and macronutrient calculations.
Exercise Tracking: Log exercises and monitor calories burned.
Goal Setting & Progress Tracking: Set health goals and visually track your journey.
Personalized Recommendations: Tailored diet and exercise tips, powered by Glide AI.

This app isn’t just about health tracking; it’s a testament to Glide’s power and flexibility. From concept to creation, all in just 60 minutes!

:mag: Take a Look:

Here’s the link to try it yourself:

Excited to hear what you think! Cheers

