What is the standard?
@david Let’s see today
Here in Brasil, converting $29 in Reais (Brasil Currency) + 6,38% of IOF (Tax on Financial Operations by credit card)
We have a total of: R$ 157,60 (cost) + profit
We could sell a monthly amount of +R$ 200,00
For most of small and medium businesses this price is too much. And this I’d say I’d charge for a simple app… If I create a complex one, the price can raise up…
This has always been our price and annual is much less expensive. Who is your target customer?
By now, small and medium businesses
Are these apps Internal to the business or for customers? Can you be more specific?
50/50%. The need can change for each one, but it’s hydrid in most cases (customers and internal - admin).
It’s a startup, so, I’m bringing and trying to wide the PWA vision here in Brazil thru my company. But most of people know the native apps and sometimes I have to explain the benefits having a web app. Most of native app devs can charge the same price, when they charge less… lol.
Eg. A delivery app for a Restaurant, orders in-app, admin panel, admin reposts, and so… I’d charge R$ 2k to implement + a monthly/anual price to support.
I’ve already see some native app devs charge for a similar app something like R$ 800,00 - R$ 1k
Anyway, even the dolar changing each day/week/month, I try to convert and do my best to charge a price gives me some profit and it’s good for the client also
And that’s not our reality here in Brazil… unfortunately. I’d love to charge this amount
Small, medium, or big businesses
I´m with you Lucas. Unfortunately we can not charge 5000 per app as in other countries. In Portugal a deliver app can not be charged more than 500 € per year. And that is too much for the most part of take away restaurants. If we subscribe a pro license it costs 228 USD pery year and there is costs also to create the app. So, the profit is small ! There is lots of guys charge 200 €uros per year for a native app. I like Glide very much but for the most part of our projects we have to put it aside.
Agora em Português, Lucas. Os preços Glide são complicados para Portugal e imagino que para o Brasil pior ainda. Não sei quem compra PWA apps por 5000 usd mas gostava de saber … Um abraço e sou seu seguidor. Você tem muita imaginação e as suas apps são top. Abraço.
Verdade João! Queria eu estar em um país assim nessas horas. Muitas pessoas não levam o glide como 100% de fonte de renda, porém eu já penso assim porque foi através do Glide que percebi que os apps web são o futuro!
E obrigado pelo apoio! Abração
David tudo bem!!
Assinando esse +500 Rows por 5 dólar Mês , sheet edits ficaria ilimitado ?
Sheet edits are not part of the Row boost but we will have a sheet edit boost soon.
Can you estimate how many edits your app actually needs? 10k? 100k? One million? At 43,200 sheet edits, that is one per minute. How many users do you have and how are they editing?
Keep in mind, sheet edits are batched, so many edits happening at the same time will often count less.
Also, the only reason sheet edits are metered is for formulas in your Google Sheet that Glide doesn’t know about. We would be able to give your app practically unlimited sheet edits if you tell us that your sheet does not have formulas.
Pelo menos edições de folha 5 mil ,é possível ?
Pelo menos edições de folha 5 mil, é possível?
That is a bit high for a boost (a.k.a. unlimited apps). What is your app for?
Delivery onde os clientes fazem pedidos ,e cada pedido é acrescentado na planilha ,100 pedidos por dia.Ou no máximo edição de linhas 3000 mil.
You have 100 orders per day (3,000 per month) and you cannot buy a Pro app?
Vc não entendeu, eu nao tenho esse cliente eu pretendo ter. Algo baseado em cima disso Ok…
So, if you don’t have the client yet, you will not yet have 100 orders per day, so the free limit should be fine for you to demonstrate & sell the app.
Obrigado david, essa plataforma foi a que eu mais me adaptei, os valores aqui no Brasil é mais complicado, farei um plano que se adapta no momento, se possível voltaremos a conversar tudo bem…
Está bem! Parece bom, boa sorte!