Initial Zoom level for Map component

Hi there,

Is is possible to set the initial Zoom level when using the Map component in Pages?

It works great in Classic Apps - but in Pages it Zooms in so far that you can’t even make out what is on the map. You have to either use the scroll wheel or the controls to Zoom out so you can actually see a meaningful map. Tried being less specific with the address - but that doesn’t help.

Is there some way of setting the initial Zoom level to show, say 500sqm of the terrain. As it currently stands this feature is virtually useless.



Not that I’m aware of. One workaround would be to place a second pin on the map (possibly user location) and that would force the map to zoom out a bit… not very pretty but something :man_shrugging:


Ya, this should be a feature request. I’ve had clients ask for the same.


Here’s a feature request from 2019 that relates to map zoom