Individual Progress Bar

I already started typing before @ThinhDinh answered and I hate to delete all the work I put into this comment, so I’m still posting it. Mine is similar, but a slightly different take.

OK, so here is how I would do it. We’ll use your Computer Science sheet for reference. I’m going to assume that the tab is referencing the Computer Science sheet with a details layout and the inline list is just referencing the Computer Science sheet as well.

  • First you will need a count of all assignments. To do this, create a Rollup column in the Computer Science sheet that will use that sheet to Count the total number of assignments. This column will contain the same total number value in all rows, but since you are using the detail view layout, it is only displaying values from the first row. This will be used later when building the progress bar.
  • Next, within the details of each assignment, you can do 1 of 2 things.
    • You can simply create a user specific column to hold a switch value in the Computer Science sheet…and then assign a switch to that column within the details view. Not in a form.
    • Create a Rollup column in the Computer Science sheet that will count the number of true values in that in the user specific column
    • Finally create a progress bar component where the Min will be set to 0. The Max will be set to the first rollup column value, and the Value will be set to the second rollup column value.
  • Option 2 is to create a form button to submit the user email using the email special value and the assignment name or ID using the Column Values, to a separate form response sheet. No need for a switch unless you want it. The form response sheet will not contain any user specific columns. This method gives you the bonus of having a log of assignments and you can also add the date/time special value to get the date and time that the assignment was completed.
    • In the Computer Science sheet, create a template column and fill it with the email of the signed in user from the user profile sheet (assuming you have turned on user profiles) and the assignment name or id into one column. You will need to do this same type of template in the form response sheet, but just joining the email and assignment columns.
    • In the Computer Science sheet, create a relation column that will link the email/assignment template to the email/assignment template in the Form Response sheet.
    • Create an If/Then column that will check if the relation is not empty and set it to return ‘true’
    • Create a rollup column that will count the number ‘true’ values in the If/Then column.
    • Finally create a progress bar component where the Min will be set to 0. The Max will be set to the first rollup column value, and the Value will be set to the second rollup column value.

Thank you for the help, Jeff.

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