Inconsistency between Title Component, Big Table and Web Embed

Hi, @NoCodeAndy, I’m reporting some imperfections:

  1. Background display appearing on the mobile screen when using the Title component > Image > Compact > fit.

  2. Inconsistency in the ‘Collection’ component for the ‘sort data - sort by sheet order’ and ‘Group by’ settings when applied to both the Glide Table and regular tabs.

  3. The size options of the Web Embed component do not change when placed in a container other than the full layout option.

Thanks for flagging!

Could you share additional screenshots of what you’re describing, or share your Team and App IDs so we can investigate? I’ll pass those details along to the team.

Your Team ID is in the URL of your Glide dashboard, e.g.

Your App ID is in the URL of the Glide builder, e.g.

Thank you, @NoCodeAndy .

I’m just providing information here, not considering it a ‘bug’ for the perfection of a program.

In Big Table: The grouping order of the ‘Collection’ component still follows alphabetical order rather than the order of the sheets.

Compare it to when it’s not in the Big Table:

In essence, the size of the web embed component is not responsive inside the container. It would provide a more immersive experience if the web embed size had an option for fullscreen. :blush:

Additionally, here are a couple of findings:

  1. The color contrast in the ‘Data Grid’ component is very poor between editable and non-editable columns. This makes it difficult to see, especially for the elderly.

  1. The position of the ‘Notes’ component overlaps the submit buttons in the ‘overlay’ view.

Additionally, if your clipboard contains a component you’ve previously copied, when you use Cmd + V to paste the text into the ‘notes’ component, both the component and the text from the clipboard will be pasted.

  1. The addition of “from ‘App Name’” is quite intrusive and takes up space from the notification badge.