In Edit Mode I can't seem to link the visibility of a component to the fact if a relation is empty or not

So when I open the edit screen for an item.
I want to make a choice component invisible if the item already has children.
I only want the user to change the type if the component has no children.

Here’s a brief movie explaining this:

Perhaps I shouldn’t use the edit screen but I prefer not to use a custom edit screen for this with a helper table …

Seems obvious that there is an issue here…

@ThinhDinh Have you seen this ?

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@glide_help Can you please check this issue? Thank you.

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This thread has been escalated. Support will follow up via the Messenger in the Builder or through email.

Best practices when escalating issues to support

@Tim_Gestels we’ll reach out for more information through the Intercom messenger so we can get to the bottom of this! Stay tuned!