ImagePicker and FilePicker Behaviors

Both ImagePicker and FilePicker allow us to upload several Images or Files at the same time which is a handy feature.

ImagePicker renames the images and FilePicker offers the option to keep the original name.

Thing is is that both ImagePicker and FilePicker alter the sequence of the selected and uploaded files which is not desirable in most cases e.g. property photos are always uploaded in a certain sequence:

  • Outside: Access, Garden, Garage, Pool etc…

  • Inside: Entrance, Living, Kitchen, Bedrooms, Bathrooms etc…

The Agent therefore renames the Files to a certain sequence e.g. 01, 02, 03.

Bulk uploading this Images results in strange sequences.

This can be avoided when uploading the files one by one which defeats the purpose of this Components.

Please advise if this strange behaviour will be fixed, otherwise we might be better of using Image Arrays as before.