Image components visualize blank also if there is not an image


I have this app where there is a list of product and each product had descriprion and images.
I have 10 image components for each product but not all the products have images. Before you could see the image in the components only if there was an image, if you don’t have an image you should see the component. But now suddenly I can see all the image components blank also if there is not any image. This happened few days ago suddenly. Can anyone help me?
In this moment I have to scroll down empty images before reach the components description.
Thanks in avance for who wants to help.

Not sure what’s happened but Glide went a bit funny.
Not sure but please see the screen shot. I click inthe separator and glide is showing me the details of an image. Why this is happening?

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Will be fixed by Wednesday. Apologies.


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