Icon Forced on Action Text

Describe the bug:
When I specify an action for Action Text, the “Icon” field autopopulates & I’m not given a “x” next to the icon to delete it - I can only change the icon. I don’t want an icon for every Action Text that has an action.

Expected Behaviour:
Action Text shouldn’t necessarily be automatically given an icon, but if it is, I should be able to delete the icon, not just change it.

How to replicate:
Create new Action Text, assign it an action, try to delete the icon it’s been automatically given.

Dare I say it’s not a bug it’s a feature?

I don’t believe we have ever been given an option to do something like you said, so this is more like a feature request, not a bug report.

I suppose my description of the issue was unclear. I am not requesting a new feature or new type of behaviour. I am highlighting undesirable behavior first (the assigning of an icon when giving Action Text an action), &, secondarily, highlighting the lack of an option/s to remedy this undesirable behavior (the inability to delete icons assigned to Action Text).

Closing due to inactivity. This topic will be deleted in a few weeks if there are no more comments.

By the way, there is an “x” beside icons that are assigned to Buttons, which both removes the icon in the Button & replaces it in the Button Properties column on the right side of the UI with the word “None”.

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Could share a video of this issue?

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Here’s what I mean:

[Corrections: Obviously you can also use Action Text if you want a simple way to have text that has a title and also want it to have an icon beside it. Also, Action Text titles are not bold - The Action Text itself looks bold, while Action Text titles use plain formatting.]

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