"I want to know how to create a dashboard that includes all sales of point-of-sale devices. Also, I would like to know how to set a date range, for example: sales from November 1st to December 1st. If there are any other tips, please share. Thank you.
For filtering by date, add two date pickers where users can select a start and end date. Then set up a filter for your sales list, so it only shows transactions within that range. Glide makes it straightforward to configure, so you don’t need to code anything.
If you want to go further, you can add extras like sorting options, search functionality, or even actions to highlight high-value sales. Let me know if you get stuck or need a tip for a specific feature.
Do what Maxime suggested, but make sure you write them to user-specific columns so people don’t overwrite others’ inputs.
I would suggest you then convert them to two numeric values through math columns:
Start Date:
With D being the Start Date.
End Date:
With D being the End Date.
The reason I use two complicated formula is because I want the formula default to 0 for Start, and 99999999 for End when the actual dates are not presented.
When you have a value, it goes like this.
You can then use filters/queries based on those math values.
I mean, if he uses row owners in you users table (hoping so since it is a POS), it doesn’t really matter, but you are right. We should always set these type of data as user-specific columns! Thanks partner.
@ThinhDinh Smart math! I had been doing that with a series of if-then-else columns. Math is much more elegant.
Very clever!
Can you explain it to me more clearly?
I am new to the platform and would like to understand it better.
Thank you."
"I need a clearer explanation, please.
Thank you."
Not sure what you need more. Have you tried applying the columns I noted above?
Thanks Darren & @Robert_Petitto , SIGN really comes nicely into some math formulas.
Why is that required?
is empty if D is empty, -0+0 forces it to become 0.
I thought about that but I wanted to confirm thanks!
What does the “TrxDate” column do?
This date comes with the data from the POS device
the date of the purchase transaction
I have this dashboard in Excel.
I want filters like the ones on the left:
Date: From - To
Product code Number
Terminal Code Number
You have to add two user-specific columns where you store the filters.
Then use my method to convert those to numbers.
In the actual sales data, add another math column to calculate the numeric version of your “TrxDate”.
Then use either the collection’s filter or a query column to do this:
“TrxDate Number” is greater than or equal to “Start Date Number”
“TrxDate Number” is less than or equal to “End Date Number”