I’ve been using Glide since September 2020. I’ve learned a lot about how Glide works by reading the documentation, watching the videos, participating in the user community, searching google for answers. Some things are easy, others difficult to learn about and to understand. I think the difficulty is mostly because I haven’t come across explanations of a couple of concepts central to Glide that I can understand. There is also the issue that Glide is changing as it matures.
Some of these mismatches are due to the fact that I know a lot about procedural programming and expect things to work the way they have work in the past. This is not true for two reasons:
Glide is new, and not all of the features that make previous systems usable have been programmed into Glide yet.
Second, Glide intentionally does things differently. That is the entire purpose of Glide and so is to be expected. The problem is that explanations of new things are difficult to make understandable frequently because they are obvious to the person inventing them, but for people who have not been through the same thought process, these obvious explanations don’t always spark the same intuition.
Two examples I have come across are:
Relations: I suspect some of the intuition is derived from relational databases. From the current explanations (both documents and videos) I more or less understand what relations are all about. I have also developed some pattern recognition about situations where relations are most likely the mechanism to achieve what I want to do – but I never feel totally confident. What is the solution: I believe additional explanations, demonstrations, and use cases by Glide users who are not part of the development team are needed.
Glide Data [Editor]: Note: I am going to shorten Glide Data Editor to Glide Data so that the cadence of reading about Google Sheets and Glide Data is a little easier.
I am a little confused about the relationship between Google Sheets and Glide Data. It is clear that mastering Glide Data is critical to using Glide – but I think the importance of Glide Data has increased as the development of the system has progressed. It feels like there is an overlap in functionality between Google Sheets and Glide Data. I suspect someday Glide Data will totally replace Google Sheets in Glide and in the future, the relationship will only be that Glide Data will be able to import/export from/to Google Sheets. But taking on all of the capabilities of Google Sheets would be a mistake for a small company, so we have to accept this shared responsibility for data in Glide between Sheets and Data Editor for the time being.
The current question I have is about the purpose of the Glide Data after you have initially loaded data into your app from a Google Sheets file.
[Note: I don’t believe everything below is absolutely correct and this is a cause of some confusion for me right now]
It appears that currently there are:
Certain things that can be done only in Sheets: e.g. entering and updating raw data.
Other things that can be done in Google Sheets or the Glide Data Editor – but are easier to do in the Data Editor: create computed columns.
Still other things that can only be done in the Glide Data Editor: e.g. create relation columns.
The issue becomes which of the two editors do I need to use to accomplish a particular change:
How to describe each of the conditions that determine which Editor (Google Sheets or Glide Data) is correct?
There seem to be some conditions that can be done in either place: for example, if the Glide Data Editor sees a column in a Google Sheet that is similar to another column with the difference being the order of the items in the column. In this case, the Glide Data will decide that the column is actually a Relation and label it as such. It is also possible to explicitly use the Glide Data to create a column which is a Relation, defining which other existing column in the Sheet contains items in a different order.
I think it is the case that when the Glide app is running, all data references are to the Glide Data. The Google Sheet is only imported into the Glide Data at certain timed points or when you click on the refresh icon at the bottom of the left column in the Glide Template editor. And, I think there is almost no reverse interaction of Glide changing values in the Google Sheet. I say almost because I have seen a column in a Google Sheet acquire an indication of being a Relation after Glide has analyzed the Google Sheet and determined that two columns have this relationship with each other.
That’s all I got for now. Without an explanation about the unique purpose of each component of Glide, it gets quite confusing for a new user – one that will discourage some of the Billions of Users we hope to attract to Glide in the next 10 years.
I hope others who know more than I will make corrections to my intuitive understanding about Glide after using the system for the past 5 1/2 months.
During this time, I have really grown to love Glide and really want this company to succeed in building the next step along the path of making software easier to create. In graduate school, one of my officemates at MIT was Bob Frankston, who along with Dan Bricklin invented VisiCalc – the first spreadsheet program. Like spreadsheets, it took a while before people could converse efficiently about the terms and concepts of this new way of computing numbers. I consider Glide to be attempting to do for a class of applications (again, not sure what to call them) what VisiCalc did for another class of applications that didn’t really have a precise description in 1979 when it was first released.
– Harry