How update a list of rows

Can you trigger a Google Apps Macro in the same way as you would trigger a Google Apps Script?

If it’s the case, I think you can set the script to run every time a specific change is made in a Sheet.

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Hello ThinhDinh
my case is simple (for me)
I manage a list of 15 associations, and each manager must, once a year, update the expiry date of its members.
To achieve this I created a script that I trigger myself.
I load the sheet from my Glide database, and I run the script.
The modification of the date is done very well.
However, I would like each manager to be able to trigger this script himself via a glide button, without having to open the application and load the members file, and trigger the script.
Via this button I would like to pass the association parameter to the script.


My script is very simple

function getStudents(parameter) {

Is there an Glide Action that allows to launch an external script?
I don’t know how to do

Thanks a lot