Hi gvaleros, thank you for helping but I’m not sure I understand why scheduled workflow would be a solution to massively retrieve or modify datas from Glide tables. Isn’t it about the capacity to planify an action whatever action it is ?
May be I wasn’t clear enough with my question.
In fact I want to reset one Glide table a specifc way when clicking on a button.
So far I didn’t find any action workflow functionality that can modify all or several rows in a table.
Element actions are not applicable to what you are trying to do.
This is easy to do with a Delete Row action against a relation that relates to all rows marked for deletion.
This is where it gets more complicated. A Set Column action cannot touch multiple rows. In that case you need to either call a Glide API with a JSON payload of all rows that need to be changed, or as suggested, create a scheduled workflow with a looping action that can loop through remaining rows and use a set column action to set the backup column on each row.
This would again require the Glide API or a scheduled workflow with a loop.
Wow !
Now I have a better understanding of scheduled workflow and notice it is common to use APIs within same Glide project to access basic data functionalities…
Ok , I’m gon’a try another approach to what I’m trying to do in my app…
This new feature will avoid using many API calls (setups) and will allow you to loop through your entire table to filter and fire actions (add, delete or update rows) on each iteration.
As I wrote before, this tool is not available on free plans but you can try the Business plan free for 30 days and see its potential (the Webhook trigger is coming soon!).