Hey, guys!
Ok, so now I have my app up and running, people are using and loving it!
That said, the time has come when I need to work on a landing page and other informative/marketing tabs for those who aren’t yet users and are visiting my site to decide whether they want to sign-up or not.
I wanted to use the same app built here on Glide to host those not-sign-in-user-tabs (landing page, informative, marketing tabs) and the already working only-sign-in-users tabs (the real app). To make that work I’m thinking on doing these steps:
- settings → privacy → access → ‘anyone with the link can access’
- settings → privacy → sign-in → ‘optional sign-in’
- settings → privacy → users → ‘users table’
This way I allow anyone to reach my site/app, but via users table I can control who can sign-in or not; who is a user and who is not.
That done, I can set tab’s visibility to “email is signed-in user” for the tabs that are a part of the working app and “email is not signed-in user” for the landing page and marketing tabs.
I made some tests and it seems to work, but now I’m worried about data security. It just crossed my mind that using visibility controls to show especific tabs for signed-in and not-sign-in-users may work just like filters and not be data-safe, meaning that someone who is not signed-in is still having all the “signed-in” data downloaded to he/she device.
Is my concern about that security valid? Am I missing something? Do you guys have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for your time reading this giga and complex topic