How to remove Glide branding from the AQBOUT screen of PRO App

Hi Gliders!
I am working on a PRO App, and there should no Glide branding by Pricing Policy. Is it right?
Looks like it works not everywhere yet. When i press the ABOUT App menu item, there is a link to myapp**

But i recorded DNS already to my own domain since yesterday, and check it by Glideapp - records are done.

I only can to uncheck the box “Show share link and QR” to hide that text with myapp** But i need here my own domain…

Where is the way to?
Thank you in advance

If you have configured custom domain, then it should not be shown up. Must be a bug.
You may email to

Thank you, Pratik_Shah!
I sent a message to support team.

If you have the pro version, you can go to settings and hide the about tab, and then create your own. Click settings then sharing and then hide about screen

Thank you Pablo Miguel,
I tried this, but it works two way in an About screen: hide link or show its with Glide brand. My App is PRO, so there is some bug, i see.

Does it show the glide url when you visit the app using your custom dns link? It should be showing whichever url you used to access or install the app.

it show - it is my old App, which i downgraded from PRO a couple days ago.
But there is still stay there Old instead of my New PRO App, which should be there.

I changed DNS string 24hrs ago

Is that what your are setting in the issue so it the browser? If the installed app, I would try to reinstall it. If in the browser, I would try clearing the cache for that site, or try. CTRL-F5.