How to make Premium Subscriptions for User and make Recurring Payments using Paypal

Hey Gliders! :blush:

I made a working solution for everyone trying to create recurring payments to establish a Premium Subscription for Users within their app.

!It´s not an easy task!

BUT, you can make it aswell!

To make this happen without limitations I used Integromat, Paypal IPN, Wordpress and some Webhook Magic besides of Glide!

If anybody is interested let me know and I am trying to set up a “How To” video.

Cheers Nico


I would be interested to see more! It sounds great!

@Nico, I’m interested in seeing how this was achieved.

Hi yes very interested !! Great!

I am too!

Hi :wave: I did have a play with Cognito forms to embed a form with subscription payment and once it’s paid it up date the google sheet via Zapier.

It did work and was quite simple.

Unfortunately I don’t have the example anymore as the project did not progress due to what’s going on in the world :frowning:

Thanks @Nico Would be interested in the video

This would be great! Would love a how to video of this!

H would be interested too

I’m not big on videos, but another way to do this is using Moonclerk. It’s an easy way to setup a subscription service and then have it zapier in the payment so the user is tagged as subscriber and will also be able to do a zapier to pause, cancel or continue subscription in app so it’s always current.
I used it for my 1st paid app through Glide and worked perfectly. Moonclerk gives you a link for them to manage their subscription, just add to a support tab and away you go.

Update: Meaning not big on videos is I;m not big on making them, LOL. Not an offense to OP or anyone :confused: sorry :confused: But anyone wants more details on how I did this can email me at


Sounds interesting. Would you mind sharing your app URL with me, pls?

It’s a private list app (you buy then login). Feel free to email me and I’ll send the details.

Me me me


Send an email guys :wink:

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Me please

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I just created a video tutorial for premium memberships with recurring payments using Zapier and Memberful. Hope this is helpful!

Here’s the videos:


Excellent work! Thanks for putting this together. One thing (sorry!) how about when a subscriber wants to unsubscribe from the app, how is that achieved via the app? I’m sure glide users would appreciate some guidance on this. Again thanks :blush:

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No problem at all!

Thank you for catching that! I completely forgot to include a “modify your subscription” link. It’s just a memberful link that the user would be able to click and then cancel their subscription. I already built in a Zap that would remove their access to the premium content when they cancel, so I’ll add one more video to add in the ability to go to the cancel page

Super star :star2: love your webflow site too. I see from memberful how you do it via the link but to compete your excellent tutorial it would be fab to include it. I bet your cursing me cheers :beers: