How to get a text from a text file (TXT\CSV) into a text column?

Hi gliders!
I want to get a data with 100-300 of rows from CSV file downloaded in UI.
One way for doing this i found there is using same scripts and Call API.
But my Plan is Maker, and i can only use to parse text and nake bulk add\update rows.
The Problem is to get a text content of CSV-file. All the rest is clear.
Will be glad for any ideas, thank you.

You can use the following in a JavaScript column:

const response = await fetch(p1);
const data = await response.text();
return data;

p1 should be the URL of your CSV file.


Do you have a link of that file somewhere in your app? This would probably get you the same result.


Darren, thank you, but it’s not working unfortunately

Works for me.

Looks like your CSV is stored in Google Drive. That’s most likely why it isn’t working for you. What happens if you load the URL in a web browser? Do you get the actual CSV data, or a Google Webpage?

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@ThinhDinh thank you, it works, but there is not the text what we see when open the file with Text Editor or G-Sheets. There are many coding \ binary symbols. And i did not found there source (CSV text) unfortunately(.

Only this part of binary bla-bla looks similar to source text, but there are not sourse emails from CSV and nothing from CSV. Probably we need to add same conversion? I tryed a few, with 0 result yet.
Thank you any way :pray:

Source CSV opened by GS

Source CSV opened by Windows Notepad

Only this part in @ThinhDinh’s suggestion case looks as some list, but too different things( from source. And it’s maybe 10% of all the Column content.

Yes, my CSV stored in Google Drive. Am going to try with another cloud store.

Hey collegues!
Seems i found the issue :hear_no_evil:
It should be not the same link what we take from Google Drive to share it, but another option - a link to download.
In my case


Good to hear it worked eventually!

And seems your solutions works also for the cases when a file was downloaded into Glide cloud, not just a link in the column?

What do you mean by “a file was downloaded into Glide cloud”? Do you mean files that are uploaded to Glide? As long as the link is public, it should work.

Yes, i mean uploading a file to Glide by File Picker component, not just storing a shared link in the Column. In my case there are two different results as you can see above :thinking:

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I think the file picker option should give you the right result.

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