How to filter user-specific data by category from another table

Hey guys,

I want to trigger some calculations from a specific spendings table in the user table.

Table for tracking spendings:

  • each entry per spending per user
  • category filter

In the user table:

How can I count for each user number of entries and total amount by CATEGORY?

Kind regards,

You can construct it like this.

  • Add a new table with all categories (say “Luxury goods” is a row, “Everyday spendings” is another row).

  • Add a template column to combine the signed in user’s email with the category. (It will look like this: - Luxury goods).

  • In your spendings table, create the same template column.

  • Create a multiple relation from the category table to the spendings table.

  • Rollup to get the count of spendings and sum of amount (2 rollup columns).

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Works really well. Thanks a lot @ThinhDinh

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It really work! Thank you @ThinhDinh

2 years ago there was no query column. Today you can do the same thing and filter by multiple columns.

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