I feel obligated to mention that creating your own methods of signing users into the app is not secure. Anybody would be able to view the phone numbers and passwords of any other user with some minor digging through the data.
The idea is to create a column in each table that can be used to link the two tables, and at the same time filter according to some criteria.
So going back to the original example, the OP wanted to match two values - Phone Number and Password. Presumably he had a sheet with a list of phone numbers and associated passwords. So he could create a template column in that table that joins those two values together.
In the user interface, he would have two input components to capture a user supplied phone number and password. Each of those would write the supplied values in to two separate user specific columns. He could then create a 2nd template column that would join the two column values.
And then it’s just a matter of creating a relation between the 2 template columns - if the relation is not empty, then a match is found.
Note that in the real world, I would never recommend trying to do this with user supplied phone numbers, because there are so many different ways that a phone number could be formatted, so the chances of finding a match would be low.
thank you for your suggestion, but in my case I have to do this even this method probably doesn’t effective.
another question, how can I get user input (form) in a user specific column? since I tried but in form editor I cannot make it to user specific column, and I have read other topics that have the same problem about user specific column from user input form. any suggestions for this problem? thank you!
What I would do is to use an API to return an internationally formatted number. That way you can make sure it’s a valid number, and it’s well-formatted.
actually i want to create such a login method, where user input an ID and their occupataion. the data will showed to them is the data related to that pair of ID-occupation only.
Glide doesn’t natively support this type of login method. You could try to create it yourself, but that’s not recommended and if you manage to succeed it won’t be secure.
A better approach would be to use a standard authentication method, and then ask people to select their occupation from a list, then filter according to their selection.