Hello everyone!
I’m trying to create an app that calculates the capacity of a BDR, a function of the sales team. I already have a Google Sheets spreadsheet that calculates this, but I would like to have an interface and I’m using Glide for that. The capacity is calculated based on the BDR’s hiring date, meaning that over time, as they learn, their capacity increases. For example, in the first month, they generate 0 opportunities, in the second month, they generate 1, etc., up to a maximum of 8 after 6 months. It’s a simple logic, and in the sheet, the following code is used: =IF(DATEDIF(B2,DATE(2023,1,31),“m”)<1,0, IF(DATEDIF(B2,DATE(2023,1,31),“m”)=1,1, IF(DATEDIF(B2,DATE(2023,1,31),“m”)=2,2, IF(DATEDIF(B2,DATE(2023,1,31),“m”)=3,3, IF(DATEDIF(B2,DATE(2023,1,31),“m”)=4,4, IF(DATEDIF(B2,DATE(2023,1,31),“m”)=5,6, IF(DATEDIF(B2,DATE(2023,1,31),“m”)>=6,8,“error”) ) ) ) ) ) ) I can use a standard Glide CRUD to add the BDRs and their hiring dates, but I can’t execute the logic afterwards. The idea is to generate a table from January to December with the capacity of each month for each BDR. Can someone shed some light on how I can do this? How can I add this logic to be executed in a column within the glide data table instead of running on the sheets? I believe this would solve the problem.