How to delete or clear rows in Glide Tables? - newbie

didn’t work at all

I don’t know what to say.
It works for me, and it’s always worked for me.
Maybe there is something different about your computer - do you know what that might be?

well, I click backspace nothing happened, what did you do tell me

Select the row or rows to be deleted, and hit the Delete key.

If you scroll up, you’ll see a short video that I posted that demonstrates.

On my computer, delete and backspace are the same key but they are not the same thing.

Backspace: I hit the backspace key, it deletes a character backwards by going back a space.

Delete: I hit command+backspace, it deletes the upcoming character by deleting forwards.

To remove a row in the data editor, I select it by selecting the checkbox at the very left of the row and hit command+backspace (=delete).

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Never Mind, works for me now.

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